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Rock and Roll: 5 Foam-Rolling Moves To Prime Muscles For Beginners (And Masters Too)

Rock and Roll: 5 Foam-Rolling Moves To Prime Muscles For Beginners, And Masters Too New study tells veggie lovers to eat their share and meat lovers not to despair. TThe use of foam rolling is on the rise, and some fitness trainers are urging more people to incorporate this activity into their exercise routines. There […]



Roll your muscles and roll your way to more effective workouts.


Use of foam rolling is on the rise, and some fitness trainers are urging more people to incorporate this activity into their exercise routines. There are significant benefits to the practice of foam rolling regularly.

In addition to and reducing post-workout soreness, foam rolling increases the effectiveness of workouts by smoothing out knots in your fascia, the connective tissue around your muscles, which contribute to movement restriction.

Breaking up these obtrusive knots prior to a workout allows for an increased range of motion. Thus, exercises become more efficient and effective, because executing and feeling movements properly “fires” and engages muscle fibers on a deeper level.

Yet, this tool only works if used properly. If you want to start a regular foam-rolling routine, or want to ensure you’re doing the moves correctly, celebrity trainer A Borden’s guide offers step-by-step instructions for her favorite beginner foam-rolling moves that target major muscle groups.

You’ll feel relief quickly, and, with consistency, start to see benefits in your workouts. Borden says you’ll likely notice a difference in how your body moves and feels after two weeks. She recommends doing each of these foam-rolling moves for 90 seconds (on both sides when applicable). “This is just long enough to work the entire muscle and feel some release of muscle tension,” she says. But you can go farther if your muscles need more rolling out. “Ideally you can spend as long as your body needs on each area depending on how tight you feel.”

Be advised, foam rolling can be a tad uncomfortable (or slightly painful) when just starting out or working overly tight muscles, but the early discomfort is worth pushing through. Granted, if you experience extraordinary or sharp pains, stop and consult with your doctor immediately.

Ready, set, roll.


1 … Quad Roll-Out

Start in forearm plank with the roller under the center of your quads perpendicular to your legs, as shown. Keep your head in line with your spine, eyes facing downward, and pull in your belly.

On your forearms, crawl forward until the roller is just above your kneecaps, then crawl backward until the roller is at the top of your thigh.

If you hit a sore spot, hold the roller there and bend and extend the leg that is feeling the knot.

Focus on placing your weight in your left leg for 90 seconds, then focus on your right leg for 90 seconds.


2 … Calf Roll-Out

Lie on your back with your hands behind your head, fingers interlaced. Position the roller under the bottom of your left calf, and cross your right ankle over your left calf on the roller for pressure, as shown.

Keeping your left foot relaxed, slowly turn the foot in and out to massage your left calf.

Slide the roller up your left calf and repeat the movement until the entire calf has been rolled out.

When you feel a sticking point as you roll your calf, hold on that point and do a giant circle with your bottom foot 3 times in one direction and 3 times in the opposite direction. Then move to next section of the calf.

Continue for 90 seconds, then repeat with your right calf.


3 … Glute Roll-Out

Sit on the roller (perpendicular to your body) with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and hands on the floor behind you to support your body.

Cross your left ankle onto your right knee.

Tilt your left knee down toward the floor to open up your hip, as shown.

Using your right foot to move you, slowly roll back and forth. Try a few slightly different knee angles to adjust the intensity.

Continue for 90 seconds, then repeat with your right glute.


4 … Lat Roll-Out

Lie on your left side with knees slightly bent, your left knee slightly in front of you.
Bend your left elbow and cover your ear with your hand to support your head and neck. Try to not have any tension in your neck.

Place the roller just below your left armpit, perpendicular to your body, as shown.

Slowly rock forward and backward 5 times at armpit, and then move the roller to the place where the bottom of your sports bra hits. Rock forward and backward slowly.

Alternate between these two spots for 90 seconds, then repeat on the right side for 90 seconds.


5 … Upper Back Roll-Out

Lie face up with the roller under the bottom of your shoulder blades, knees bent and feet planted on the floor.

Interlace your fingers and place your hands behind your head, relaxing your neck.
Engage your core and raise your hips up off the floor.

Using your feet, slowly roll your body up and down so the roller moves from the bottom of your shoulder blades to the base of your neck, as shown.

Continue for 90 seconds.


Photo courtesy

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A Holistic Approach to IT Risk Management




In the rapidly evolving sphere of technology, the importance of comprehensive IT risk management cannot be overstated. Businesses are more connected than ever before, making the potential for cybersecurity threats and IT-related failures a very real concern that can have far-reaching consequences on operational resilience and corporate reputation.

With reliance on digital infrastructure only set to increase, it’s imperative to implement a holistic approach to safeguard against the multitude of risks posed by this digital dependency. A holistic IT risk management strategy encompasses more than just strong firewalls and antivirus software; it involves a multi-faceted plan that engages every level of an organization.

Understanding Risks

The first step is to understand the different types of risks which include security breaches, data loss, system outages, and compliance violations. But beyond recognizing these threats, it’s about understanding their potential impact on every aspect of the organization. What is at stake? Customer trust, intellectual property, financial stability, and even the safety of employees could be jeopardized by IT pitfalls.

Risk Assessment

When analyzing these risks, comprehensive assessment tools are key. This means looking beyond the IT department and engaging stakeholders across various departments, ensuring that risk appraisal is not siloed but integrated into a broader company framework.

Strategy Development

Creating a robust IT risk management strategy consists of defining clear responsibilities, establishing protocols for risk response, and developing business continuity plans. Tailoring solutions that meet the specific needs and context of the organization is crucial. Prevention is preferred, but equally, there should be a focus on the company’s response time and recovery processes after an incident occurs.

Employee Training

Human error remains one of the greatest vulnerabilities in IT risk. Continuous training programs that inform and empower staff at all levels to recognize risk and react correspondingly are essential. A critical aspect of such programs is fostering a culture where employees feel comfortable reporting potential IT risks without fear of repercussions.

Technology and Tools

Investment in the right technology and tools supports proactive risk management. This includes sophisticated monitoring systems that can detect anomalies signaling a potential threat, as well as encryption and access control strategies. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can provide valuable insight into patterns that might indicate risk, offering an additional layer of protection.

Compliance and Regulations

As laws and regulations evolve to keep up with technological advancement, compliance is an increasingly complex landscape to navigate. An effective IT risk management strategy must include a comprehensive understanding of relevant regulations and industry standards, ensuring that the organization is not only protected from IT risks but also from legal and regulatory pitfalls.

Continuous Adaptation

IT risk management is not a ‘set and forget’ process. It demands continuous adaptation. A holistic approach means regularly reviewing and updating risk management practices to adapt to new threats, emerging technologies, and changing regulatory environments.

Success in IT Risk Management

A holistic approach to IT risk management is much like a living organism—complex, adaptive, and essential for survival in the digital age. It transcends the simplistic view of protecting assets and becomes a strategic enabler for the business, fortifying against the known and the unknown. It’s about creating resilience—not just within the IT infrastructure but throughout the entire organization. Success in IT risk management means integrating technology, processes, and people to act in concert, continually poised to meet the challenges of a world where the only constant is change.

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Future-Proofing Your IT Strategies in Infrastructure Management




In the whirlwind of technological evolution, IT infrastructure has become the backbone of business operations. Its robustness determines a company’s capability to innovate, respond to changes, and deliver uninterrupted services. Given this critical dependency, future-proofing IT strategies in infrastructure management isn’t just prudent; it’s an imperative.

The Need for Agility and Scalability

In an era where companies must quickly adapt to market shifts, agility in IT infrastructure is pivotal. Cloud computing has offered businesses the flexibility to scale resources up or down as needed. Leveraging hybrid and multi-cloud environments allows organizations to optimize costs and performance while safeguarding against vendor lock-in scenarios.

However, future-proofing goes beyond mere scalability. It is about the foresight to adopt technologies that maintain compatibility with upcoming trends. Take 5G, for example, which promises significant advancements in speed and connectivity. Businesses will need hardware and network strategies that can harness the power of such technology advancements.

Cybersecurity as a Cornerstone

With rising cyber threats, a future-proof IT infrastructure must have cybersecurity at its core. It is essential to stay ahead of potential security challenges with a proactive and comprehensive security strategy encompassing hardware, software, and user training. This means regularly updating security protocols, running predictive threat modeling, and employing real-time monitoring to detect and neutralize threats before they inflict damage.

Incorporating AI and Automation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation represent the cutting-edge of IT infrastructure management. AI-driven analytics can predict equipment failures, prevent downtime, and streamline maintenance. Automation of routine tasks frees up skilled IT personnel to focus on strategic initiatives that can push a business forward.

To stay at the forefront, companies must invest in intelligent systems capable of self-learning and adjusting. These systems will form the bedrock of a resilient and responsive IT framework that can meet the demands of tomorrow.

Sustainable and Responsible Management

Sustainability is increasingly becoming a central aspect of IT strategies, with data centers consuming a significant percentage of global energy consumption. Future-proofing involves leveraging energy-efficient hardware, optimizing data center layouts for cooling, and employing green energy sources.

Beyond energy consumption, responsible e-waste disposal and adherence to international standards for electronic products are part of a holistic approach. This not only reduces the ecological footprint but also aligns with the growing consumer demand for environmentally responsible businesses.

Training and Workforce Development

The backbone of any IT strategy isn’t purely technological—it’s also the human talent that drives it. Investing in continuous training ensures that your workforce stays at the cutting edge, understands the complexities of modern infrastructure, and is prepared to tackle future challenges.

Future-Proof Strategies

The landscape of IT infrastructure management is dynamic, with new developments continually emerging on the horizon. To future-proof strategies within this space, organizations must build agility, prioritize cybersecurity, incorporate AI and automation, commit to sustainability, and foster a culture of learning. These elements are crucial for creating an infrastructure that not only survives the test of time but also becomes a catalyst for perpetual growth and innovation. The organizations that invest in these areas today will be the ones leading the pack tomorrow.

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Navigating Holistic Wellness: A Journey as an RN Health Coach




Embarking on the path of an RN Health Coach sets forth an expedition brimming with discovery, connection, and cultural immersion. From traversing distant lands to fostering wellness in remote communities, this journey intertwines travel with the pursuit of holistic well-being. Let’s explore the captivating voyage of an RN Health Coach, navigating diverse landscapes while promoting vitality and global health advocacy.

Exploring Cultural Health Traditions

As an RN Health Coach, venturing into different corners of the world unveils a tapestry of diverse cultural health practices. From the tranquil temples of Thailand to the vibrant markets of Morocco, each destination offers a unique insight into ancient healing modalities deeply entrenched in wellness traditions. In these experiences, we embrace practices like Thai massage in Thailand and forest bathing in Japan, witnessing firsthand their rejuvenating effects on both body and mind.

Empowering Remote Communities

Beyond exotic wellness practices, the role of an RN Health Coach extends to remote communities where healthcare access may be scarce. Trekking through rugged terrains and expansive landscapes, we collaborate with local healers and community leaders to address prevalent health challenges. In rural Himalayan villages, education initiatives and preventive care programs empower individuals to take charge of their health. Similarly, our work in the Amazon rainforest bridges modern medical knowledge with indigenous healing practices, fostering holistic wellness that respects tradition and innovation.

Curating Wellness Retreats

RN Health Coaches curate immersive wellness retreats, blending travel with transformative experiences. From secluded yoga retreats in Costa Rica to mindfulness workshops in Bali, these sanctuaries offer a space for self-discovery and renewal. Surrounded by lush tropical landscapes, participants embark on a journey of introspection guided by expert practitioners. Through yoga, meditation, and nutritious cuisine, guests rejuvenate their bodies, minds, and spirits, emerging with a renewed sense of vitality.

Advocating for Global Health

The journey of an RN Health Coach transcends individual wellness pursuits, encompassing a mission of global health advocacy. Whether advocating for clean water access or promoting vaccination initiatives, we strive to create positive change on a global scale. Through partnerships with local organizations and international aid agencies, we address pressing health issues, advocating for equitable healthcare systems and promoting health literacy worldwide.

Joining The Nurse Coach Collective

For those aspiring to embark on a transformative journey into holistic nurse coaching, The Nurse Coach Collective offers a comprehensive Transformative Nurse Coach 7-month Program. Join a community dedicated to fostering wellness, transcending borders, and embracing the transformative power of travel and holistic health.

In conclusion, the journey of an RN Health Coach is a dynamic odyssey fueled by purpose and passion. From exploring ancient healing traditions to empowering communities with vital healthcare resources, every step of this journey contributes to a healthier, more resilient world. Let us inspire others to embark on their own journey towards optimal health and well-being, embracing the transformative adventure that awaits on the path to wellness.

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