The magician who is famous for making things disappear performed a magic trick on his body and now looks and feels fantastic.
If you are plus sized and really want to better yourself by getting healthy, we can help.
It's time do something about our messiest and most disgusting kitchen areas. Food illnesses are on the rise and the only way to curb them is...
Let’s look at ways to reduce calories without losing all those delicious coffee flavors.
A simple spring clean of your diet will help with transitioning from winter you to the active-summer you.
Let’s take a look at eyestrain and its symptoms and causes so we can all enjoy screens without doing serious damage.
Just because you travel for work or go on vacation, doesn’t mean you have to leave your workout routine at home.
In 2017 we welcomed in some seriously strange diets that promised incredible results, but just how healthy are these trends.
Let's explore how salt affects the body and healthy alternatives that will help you lower your sodium intake.
Just a few minutes after each workout can really make huge differences in your recovery, overall health and fitness abilities.
I found a way to make pizza healthy and hamburgers isn’t a bad word, so let's swap out our carbs for healthy alternatives.
US News and World Report ranked the 38 top diets and we will discuss why top 7 are so good.
CoolSculpting is a recent innovation that supposedly freezes fat cells and gives people flatter stomachs without sit-ups or diets.
If you haven’t already learned it, meal prepping is the best way to maintain a healthy diet without any of the downfalls of our fast paced...
The hardest part about losing weight is keeping that weight off once you stop the diet. So the key is to never go on a diet...
Try and look at your body like a classic car that needs pampering, so eat the right foods that will give you the best, healthiest life.
Check out this informative article before you try Kombucha, know exactly what you are drinking first and the surprising health benefits.
With summer creeping in, expect hot temperatures and prepare yourself for some healthy eating with the perfect summer snacks.
Jogging is one of the most popular ways to exercise in America, but running solo can be dangerous. Protect yourself from danger by doing these simple...
Many people don’t eat a heart healthy diet but did you know that your eating habits could affect your heart’s rhythm? Yes, it's true, certain foods...